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シキナ Shikinaキタハマ Kitahamaウメダ Umedaテンマ Tenmaナンバ Nanbaハルセ Haruseスズカ Suzukaエデン Edenダンジリ Danjiriカネシタ Kaneshitaコフン Kofunフナイ Funaiクロモン Kuromonナンコウ Nankouパナジ Panajiヒノデ Hinodeハクア Hakuaヘグリ Heguriイコマ Ikomaミドリガオカ Midorigaokaセンリ Senriサカイ Sakaiイタミ Itamiアシヤ Ashiyaコウベ Koubeシンコウベ Shin-Koubeロッコウ Rokkouコウシエン Koushienプノンペン Punonpenオオアナ Ooanaヒラカタ Hirakataクサカタ Kusakataアマノサト Amanosatoシラハマ ShirahamaDaiakuji - Map
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(c)アリスソフト Daiakuji: Map of Oosaka. Young Service Group (Light Blue), Wakame Group (Green), Independent Force (Brown), Nago cult (Purple), City Council (Yellow) and WIME (Red).

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奉仕青年団事務 Young Service Group[]

Young Service Group is the light blue force in the map. Its only province is Midorigaoka.

ミドリガオカ Midorigaoka[]

Midorigaoka is placed among the North area of Independent Force (north), Wakame Group (west and south) and Momoyama Group (east).
  • Take over the Shop (+150 collectability in Midorigaoka)
  • Meet the supicious man (recruit Shimamoto Jun; avaible the first six weeks)
  • Scout for new "Youth Service" member (recruit a generic office girl; sometimes avaible)
  • Abduct the housewife (Add a housewife to your prostitute training pavilion; avaible after building the prostitute training pavilion)

わかめ組 Wakame Group[]

Wakame Group is the green force in the map. Its provinces are Senri (head center), Ikoma, Sakai and four provinces Kaneshita, Funai, Kuromon, Nankou that later are taken by Independent Force.

イコマ Ikoma[]

Ikoma is the province of Wakabe Group below Hakua.

センリ Senri[]

The head province of Wakabe Group. That it's fallen will cause all remaining cities of Wakabe Group to be yours.

サカイ Sakai[]

Sakai is the province of Wakabe Group right to Senri.

The four cities Kaneshita, Funai, Kuromon and Nankou one-by-one will eventually absorbed by Independent Force in the first month.

カネシタ Kaneshita[]

Kaneshita is the north-west province of Wakabe Group.

フナイ Funai[]

Funai is below Kaneshita.

クロモン Kuromon[]

Kuromon is below Funai and left to Ikoma, Senri.

ナンコウ Nankou[]

Nankou is below Kuromon and left to Senri.

市議会 City council[]

City council is the yellow force in the map. It has two provinces to be Haruse and Suzuka.

ハルセ Haruse[]

Haruse is the north province of City council.

スズカ Suzuka[]

Suzuka is the south province of City council.

那古教 Nago cult[]

Nago cult is the purple force in the map. Its provinces are Shikina, Kitahama, Umeda, Nanba and Tenma.

シキナ Shikina[]

Shikina is the north-west province of Nago cult.

キタハマ Kitahama[]

Kitahama is right to Shikina.

ウメダ Umeda[]

Umeda is right to Kitahama, above Nanba.

テンマ Tenma[]

Tenma is below Kitahama, left to Nanba.

ナンバ Nanba[]

Nanba (or Namba) is right to Tenma, below Umeda.

桃山組 Momoyama Group[]

Momoyama Group is the sakura-colored force in the map. It has eight provinces to be Rokkou, Koushien, Puronpen (the center three), Koube, Shin-Koube (the west two) and Hirakata, Kusakata, Amanosato (the east three).

コウベ Koube[]

Koube is the above province of the west two.

シンコウベ Shin-Koube[]

Shin-Koube is the below province of the west two.

ロッコウ Rokkou[]

Rokkou is the above province of the center three.

コウシエン Koushien[]

Koushien is the center province of the center three.

プノンペン Punonpen[]

Punonpen (or Punompen, Phnom Penh) is the below province of the center three.

ヒラカタ Hirakata[]

Hirakata is the above province of the east three.

クサカタ Kusakata[]

Kusakata is the center province of the east three.

アマノサト Amanosato[]

Amanosato is the below province of the east three.

独立組織 Independent Force[]

Indepent Force has two minor areas (North and South-east) and an island named Panaji (at the south of the map).

North area[]

North area of Independent Force has seven provinces: Danjiri, Kofun, Hakua, Hinode, Heguri, Ashiya and Itami.

ヒノデ Hinode[]

Hinode is the north province of North area of Independent Force.

ハクア Hakua[]

Hakua is the province of North area of Independent Force left to Heguri.



Occurrence condition



A walk under the legendary tree

From the beginning

Akuji + 1 luck


Take over the Withering Well

After suppressing [Hakua]

Suppression complete


Explore the Withering Well

After the event above.

Explore Dungeon (4 Floors)


Phamtom Thief Matroshka`s hideout

1. Visit the Takei house in [Heguri] twice.

2. Trigger “Thief capture strategy“ in [Heguri].

3. Torture a captive to get information on the retreat of Matryoshka.

Take over the abandoned Hut and capture the “Phantom Thief” Takei Tsukasa


Take over abandoned Hut

Suppression complete




コフン Kofun[]

Kofun is the province of North area of Independent Force above Funai.

ダンジリ Danjiri[]

Danjiri is the north-west province of North area of Independent Force.

ヘグリ Heguri[]

Heguri is the province of North area of Independent Force in the north-east of Midorigaoka.
  • Visit the grandma (+500)
  • Visit the grandma & granddaughter (meet Takei Tsukasa)

イタミ Itami[]

Itami is the north-east province of North area of Independent Force.

アシヤ Ashiya[]

Ashiya is the south-east province of North area of Independent Force.
Control Points:
Base Income: 300万
Base Law: 99
  • Nakayama mansion / 中山邸: 150万
  • Nogi mansion / 乃木邸: 150万
Event Name: (ENG) Event Name: (JP) Trigger Condition: Effect:
Nogi residence(first visit) 乃木屋敷(初訪問) Anytime Nogi residence (visit) event appears.
Nogi residence (visit) 乃木屋敷(訪問) Perform the previous event. Nogi residence (Nogi Shigehiko and his granddaughter Kikuko) event appears.

South-east area[]

South-east area of Independent Force has two provinces to be Ooana and Shirahama.

オオアナ Ooana[]

The west province of South-east area.

シラハマ Shirahama[]

The east province of South-east area.

パナジ Panaji[]

Panaji is the isolated island of Independent Force.

ウィミィ WIME[]

WIME (ウィミィ, wimyi) is the red force in the map. It has only one province to be Eden.

エデン Eden[]

Eden is the only province of WIME in the map, and at the south-west of the map.